Posts Tagged ‘virtual machine’

Setelah Sempat browsing muter-muter di fgoogle, akhirnya Ane menemukan cara mengaktifkan dan menconfigurasi Windows Virtual PC yang mampu erjalan di windows 7 dengan semua tipe processor.

Sebenernya Artikel ini ane dapatkan dari salah satu website dan blog yang ada di google (sumber tercantum dibawah sekali), sebelumnya ane ngucapin terimakasih dulu buat mereka yang telah membantu ane dalam memecahkan rasa penasaran ini…

berikut ane simpulkan secara ringkas cara menginstal windows virtual PC di windows 7


  • Buat terlebih dahulu OS anda dengan cara Start Menu > Windows Virtual PC > Create virtual Machine atau download OS Windows XP dengan SP3 dari Microsoft.
  • Tentukan Nama dan tempat Virtual Machine akan ditaruh


  • Tentukan Besarnya RAM yang akan dialokasikan, centang Use computer network connection bila ingin share network dengan host OS (Win 7)


  • Buat virtual Harddisk, bila sudah ditentukan tekan tombol Create.


  • Run Virtual Machine tersebut, tetapi sebelum itu masukkan CD OS anda maka proses instalasi akan berjalan.
  • Dan anda sudah bisa menjalakan Microsoft Virtual PC dengan Prossessor apa pun.

Meskipun saya belum mencoba menginstall XP Mode dilaptop, dapat saya konfirmasi bahwa XP Mode dapat berjalan meskipun tanpa Prosessor yang mendukung. Dan menurut info dari Microsoft perbedaan kecepatan prosessor dengan atau tanpa AMD-V atau Intel-VT tidak berbeda jauh.

Keunggulan Microsoft Virtual PC dibanding Virtual PC 2007 :

  • Bisa share resource dan devices (printer, audio, clipboard, smart card)
  • Disk drive, USB device, DVD Rom, dapat dideteksi si OS Virtual
  • 2 x Video Ram dari Virtual PC 2007 (8 mb menjadi 16 mb)
  • Dapat Autorun saat Windows baru dijalankan
  • Program-program yang ada pada OS Virtual bisa dijalankan langsung dari Windows 7, sehingga program terbuka di Windows 7 bukan di OS Virtual (OS tertentu yang didukung) untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut penggunaannya bisa lihat di post Mengaktifkan RemoteApp / Seamless Aplication Di Windows 7 Virtual PC


* How to Install Integration Feature

Integration feature adalah merupakan fitur2 yg dpt dijalankan melalui virtual PC agar tetap berhubungan dengan Hardisk dan data utama anda..,

berikut caranya

1. Open the virtual machine in Windows Virtual PC.

2. To Install Integration Components
NOTE: You would only have this option if you have not installed the Integration Components in this specific virtual machine yet. If you have, then you will have the option to either Enable Integration Features or Disable Integration Features instead.

A) Click on Tools on the virtual machine menu bar, and click on Install Integration Components. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: You may need to press CTRL+ALT+Left Arrow to move the mouse pointer out of the virtual machine to click on the menu bar.

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step1.jpg

B) Click on Continue. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step2.jpg

C) Click on Run Setup.exe. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step3.jpg

D) Click on Next. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step4.jpg

E) If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.

F) When it’s finished installing, click on Finish. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step5.jpg

G) Click on Yes to restart the virtual machine. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step6.jpg

H) Log on to the virtual machine by typing in your password for the virtual machine and pressing enter. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step7.jpg

I) You will now need to enable the integration features. Continue to step 3.

3. To Enable Integration Features
NOTE: You will only be able to enable the integration features if you had already installed the integration components (step 1). After the first time you do this, you will usually only need to do step 3A to enable the integration features.

A) Click on Tools on the virtual machine menu bar, and click on Enable Integration Features. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: You may need to press CTRL+ALT+Left Arrow to move the mouse pointer out of the virtual machine to click on the menu bar.

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step8.jpg

B) Check the Remember my credentials box, and click on Use another account. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step9.jpg

C) Type in your user name and password for this virtual machine, then click on OK. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-step10.jpg

D) Integration features will now be enabled.

4. To Disable Integration Features

A) Click on Tools on the virtual machine menu bar, and click on Disable Integration Features. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: You may need to press CTRL+ALT+Left Arrow to move the mouse pointer out of the virtual machine to click on the menu bar.

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-disable1.jpg

B) Log on to the virtual machine by typing in your password for the virtual machine and pressing enter. (see screenshot below)

Windows Virtual PC Integration Features - Install, Enable, and Disable-disable2.jpg

C) Integration features will now be disabled.



* How to Uninstall Windows Virtual PC From your Computer

Kalau ingin dihapus, masuk saja ke Start menu > Windows Virtual PC

Klik kanan nama Virtual machine yang anda punya (XP) lalu pilih setting.

Di bagian harddisk 1,2 dan 3 lihat lokasi folder file(.vhd) tersebut dan catat.
Lalu delete file tersebut secara manual (melalui Windows Explorer, anda juga bisa mendelete file dengan ektensi .vsv dan .vmc di folder tersebut.

Ane sudah coba konfigurasi dari tutorial ini, dan semua berjalan dengan sempurna tanpa hambatan,

Any Question post a comment here…!!